Each year, thousands of people are killed — and many more are seriously injured — in car accidents caused by distracted driving. Under Illinois’ law, distracted drivers can be criminally charged for their negligence and sued in civil court for the injuries they cause.
Category: Personal Injury

Chicagoans Spending More Time In Traffic
According to the TomTom Traffic Index, the amount of time Chicago drivers spend in traffic is growing. It took Chicago drivers an average of 17 minutes and 22 seconds to drive 10 kilometers (about 6.2 miles) in 2022. That's 38 seconds more than in 2021.
Vaziri Law LLC...

Time Change Causes Uptick in Fatal Car Accidents
While most of us enjoy getting that extra hour of sleep back after losing it earlier in the year, there are some people who detest Daylight Savings Time. The parents of small children and pet owners are the first to come to mind, but research suggests all of us may want to...

Waivers Aren’t As Spooky As They Seem
With Halloween having just passed, the self-proclaimed scariest haunted house in America requires visitors to sign a 40-page waiver before entering. The extensive document is likely a marketing gimmick, but haunted attractions across the country have been inspired to copy this tactic and require anyone who wants to get spooked to...

3 Steps To Take After A Dog Bite
We all like to think that dogs are man’s best friend and that they would not do anything to harm us. But the reality is over 4.5 million Americans suffer a serious dog bite injury each year.
In case you or a loved one in the Chicago area...

Pedestrian Injuries Continue to Climb
Despite a pledge to make Chicago the most pedestrian-friendly city in the country, many people are seriously injured while walking our city’s streets. Vaziri Law LLC is committed to helping injured pedestrians get the money they need to treat their injuries and move forward with their lives.

Workplace Accidents & Injuries Should Be Taken Seriously
Chicagoans are a tough bunch, but nobody should be expected to “walk it off” or “just deal with it” after being involved in a workplace accident. Even if your employer tries to persuade you otherwise, you should consider seeking payment from the Illinois Workers’ Compensation system, and maybe filing a lawsuit against...

Seeking Justice For Slip & Fall Victims In the Slushy, Snowy, Windy City
Chicago may be known as the Windy City, but it is also the snow, slush, and ice city this time of year. Though we know how to handle winter weather, that does not mean that we always come through the season unscathed. Each winter, many Chicago area residents are injured in slip...

Crooked Contractors Are Taking Advantage Of Chicago’s Building Boom
At the beginning of the pandemic, when everyone except essential workers were asked to stay home, many businesses in the construction industry feared they would go under. However, all those people sitting at home soon began to notice things about their houses that needed fixing. And office managers with empty offices realized...

Data Shows Increase In Traffic Accident Fatalities
The latest data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is alarming. The number of people involved in fatal car accidents is dramatically increasing. In Illinois alone, there have been over 65 more traffic accident fatalities this year than last.
At Vaziri Law LLC, we are...